Lowongan Kerja Supervisor Operasional Power Plant PT Suparma Tbk (Surabaya)


Lowongan Kerja Supervisor Operasional Power Plant PT Suparma Tbk (Surabaya)

Lowongan Kerja Supervisor Operasional Power Plant

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  1. Bertanggungjawab atas kelancaran tugas operasional Power Plant terkait Turbin & Generator, Boiler & EP, Water Treatment, Coal & Ash Handling
  2. Membuat laporan pencatatan dan mengawasi jalannya operasional Turbin dan Boiler
  3. Mengkoordinir dan mengevaluasi efektifitas pelaksanaan kegiatan operasional power plant
  4. Memberikan arahan terkait pengetahuan teknis operasional kepada bawahan
  5. Melakukan kontrol terhadap kegiatan preventif dan trouble shooting agar downtime terkendali
  6. Melakukan koordinasi dan menjalankan autonomus maintenance terhadap peralatan yang digunakan
  7. Memastikan supply bahan bakar, kondisi tekanan dan temperature operasional boiler
  8. Memberikan informasi terkait kejanggalan kondisi mesin yang akan mempengaruhi kualitas hasil produksi
  9. Bertanggung jawab terhadap penanganan limbah sesuai standard ISO 14001

Kualifikasi :

  • S1 Teknik
  • IPK Min 3,0
  • Memiliki SIO Boiler lebih diutamakan
  • Berpengalaman di Power Plant dengan posisi yang sama minimal 3 th
  • Memahami proses produksi manufaktur lebih diutamakan
  • Memahami proses power plant utility (turbin, generator, boiler, water treatment & wwt)
  • Memiliki kemampuan problem solving terkait permasalahan teknis di lapangan
  • Memahami dasar standard ISO
Penempatan : Area Surabaya

Tentang Perusahaan

PT Suparma Tbk was established in 1976 on a site of five (5) hectares land in Surabaya, Indonesia and employed approximately 100 people. The first paper was rolled out in 1978 using a 7,000 ton per year paper machine.

Responding to the growing paper demand in the country, in 1984 the company decided to roll out her first expansion program by adding there (3) units of Paper Machine and raised her total production capacity to 51,000 ton per year.

In 1992, the company further invested another two (2) units of Paper Machine with capacity of 99,000 tons p.a. to accommodate the strong increase of paper demand in the market in tandem with the Indonesian government industrialization program.

In line with globalization era, PT Suparma Tbk took a profound move in becoming a public company and listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange in 1994.

Today, located on a land of twenty one (21) hectares, PT Suparma Tbk operates 6 units of Paper Machine with a total combined capacity of 150,000 tons p.a. and supported by approximately 1,500 delegated employees.

Holding the motto of 'Continues Improvement', PT Suparma Tbk actively serves both domestic and international market with high quality products, services and meeting the customer expectations.

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